A Gift From God

As we enter into the holiday season, we’re talking about Christmas and New Year’s, we often reflect on gift giving. That special gift for that special person. For some it is a time of joy and peace, a time of celebration, festive occasions, family dinners, shopping, shopping, and more shopping.

For others, it is a time of loneliness, depression, rejection, trauma, and drama. I’m talking about the holiday season. Christmas and entering into the New Year.

A time filled with mixed emotions and reflections. Getting back to the Gift From God. Getting back to talking about a gift from God. As we separate ourselves from the human element of the holiday season and go into the spiritual realm of what this season is all about, we find that a gift from God is a message that will penetrate our hearts.

How would you feel if you were told you were going to receive a priceless gift?

To listen to this powerful series from Dr. Ty, please press play below.

{"title":"A Gift From God","artist_name":"Dr. Ty Dixon","audio_file":"https:\/\/soulwinnersconnection.org\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/03\/AGiftFromGod.mp3","poster_image":"https:\/\/soulwinnersconnection.org\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/03\/GiftFromGod.png","duration":"27:48"}