Dealing With Pride

Dealing With Pride

Today we’re going to be talking about a subject matter that, if I could put some sugar on it, if I could make it more palatable, I would. But this particular subject matter is one that we all as human beings have to deal with. When you go after it, it’s never a...
Dealing With Your Enemies

Dealing With Your Enemies

There’s a way to deal with your enemy. You can take your enemy out and kill them. But we’re going to look at how God would like us to deal with our enemies. Jesus told us in the Last Days that men are going to be offended. Adversities are going to come your way that’s...
Birth It

Birth It

The title of this message is “Birth It.” This is a message to those who feel that they are too old or too barren for God to use. We’re going to peek into the life of the mother of John the Baptist. You know John the Baptist, he was the forerunner of our savior, Jesus...
The Love Test

The Love Test

Have you ever gone through a love test? I’m not talking about the one where you can just sleep it off and everything is okay. I’m talking about the one where you were cut to your heart. Where there was a deep hurt. Have you ever tried to figure out how to come out of...


Today we’re going to be talking about Breakthrough. Do you need a breakthrough? Grab your pen and paper because we’re going to be discussing the principles of breakthrough and we’re also going to discuss how God has already made a way of escape. Have you ever found...
Out Of The Tombs

Out Of The Tombs

I want to share with you some parts of a message entitled “Out of the Tombs.” Get ready because we’re going to look at some things in regards to the personage of Jesus Christ, the power of Jesus Christ, and how he can make a difference in our lives. TO LISTEN TO THIS...