Don’t Despise Your Valley

Don’t Despise Your Valley. Don’t hate your valley. Don’t resist your valley. Don’t cry all day and all night because you’re in the valley. Don’t despite it because if you realize what God is doing in you, while you’re in the valley, you’ll praise him while you’re in the valley.

A valley is a low lying area. It’s a low area of land and it’s often with a river or a stream flowing through it. It’s surrounded by higher ground.

I’m telling you right now that if you’re in the valley, a low place in your life, and it seems like you’re on the lowest land, you’re at the bottom, I want you to understand, don’t despise that place but being to praise God right now because you’re coming out.

To listen to this powerful series from Dr. Ty, please press play below.
{"title":"Don’t Despise Your Valley","artist_name":"Dr. Ty Dixon","audio_file":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/03\/DontDespiseYourValley.mp3","poster_image":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/03\/DontDespiseValley.png","duration":"14:00"}